Alphabetical listing of Begonia cultivars - T
B. 'Two Face'
Data in this table is in the following order:
Cultivar name; ABS registration number; Hybridizer; Date of registration or hybridization.
---------------Horticultural type; Female parent X Male parent; references (see Reference page for code):
'T. B. Toop' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'T. N. T.' , # 771 , Jeans K. , 1979
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Snow Queen' X unknown , , B80 a254 ,
'Tahara' , --- , Corwin M. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B92 r050
'Tahiti' (Rex) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , cvn r
'Tahiti' (tube.) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , B85 r126
'Tahitian Sunset' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Tajiguas' , # 491 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , frigida hort. X carrieae , , B76 a051 ,
'Tall Paul' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ cane-like , --- --- ,
'Tamakihada' , # 952 , Nagaki S. , 1994
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Orange Rubra' X pearcei , B94 p190 , B96 a054 ,
'Tambourine' , --- , Worley P J , 1982
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , sutherlandii X rex cultorum , , , B96 r191
'Tammy' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Tamo' , # 6 , Turner M. , 1952
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , peltata X mazae , , B54 a130 , B80 r192
'Tamsin' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B94 r007
'Tanay' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lucerna' seedling --- , , ,
'Tancho' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerae var. nigramarga X 'Stiched Leaf' , , ,
'Tangerine' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , imperialis X micanthera var. fimbriata , , ,
'Tangerine Twist' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B99 r130
'Tangier' (or 'Tangiers' ?) , --- , Kartuz M. , ---
------------------------------ --- , 'Tiny Gem' X 'Coral Chimes' , B99 p200 , , B95 r187
'Tapestry' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Tar Baby' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- ,
'Tara' , # 887 , Sharrad MCR. , 1985
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , conchifolia var. rubrimacula X 'Wanita' , , B85 a113 ,
'Tarlit' , # 428 , Meyer M. , 1974
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Stash' X unidentified plant , , B75 a065 , crc-p
'Tartan' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Scottish Star' X bowerae var. nigramarga , , ,
'Tarzana' , # 855 , Cole B. , 1982
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , peltata X 'Lospe' , , B82 a158 ,
'Tasso' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , B72 d084 ,
'Tatoosch' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Tatsutagawa' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B91 r045
'Tausendschoen Pink' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , , B78 r010
'Tea Rose' , --- , Woodriff L. , 1947
------------------------------ Shrub-like , odorata var. alba X dichroa , B97 p052 , , B96 r224
'Tea Set' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Jumbo Jet' X 'Sophie Cecile' , , , t
'Teal Wing' , --- , Lowe P. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , aconitifolia X Symbegonia sanguinea , , B92 d136 ,
'Tebalhia' , # 67 , MacLanahan D. , 1954
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Ricky Minter' X 'Rouge' (equals C-42) , , B54 a208 ,
'Teddy Bear' , # 5 , Turner M. , 1952
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Indonesia Woolly Bear' X leptotricha , , B54 a130 ,
'Tempest' , --- , Worley P J , 1981
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , Rex cultivar X Rex cultivar , , ,
'Templinii' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , 'Phyllomaniaca' sport --- , , , B80 r192
'Tence' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , unknown X unknown , , ,
'Tenmoku' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B99 r008
'Tennessee Waltz' , # 827 , Jeans K. , 1980
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , B81 a183 ,
'Tequesta' (syn. 'Acicon') , # 766 , Michelson F. , 1979
------------------------------ Shrub-like , acida X unknown , B98 p200 , B80 a227 , cvn r
'Tequila Sunrise' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B99 r130
'Teri Dykzeul' , --- , Thompson B. , 1996
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lana' X 'Lady Molina' , , , t
'Terranora' , # 578 , Meyer M. , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , B77 a245 ,
'Terry-O' , # 22 , Olmsted T. , 1952
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerae X mazae , , B54 a130 ,
'Teton' , # 684 , Frost G. , 1978
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Leslie Lynn X hidalgensis , , B78 a319 ,
'Tewksbury Red Compta' ( 'Red Compta') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , ,
'Texas Angel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Texas Beauty' , # 394 , Wyrtzen J. , 1973
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Texas Star' selfed --- , , B74 a074 ,
'Texas Pink' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , ,
'Texas Star' (or 'Texastar ?) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , B90 p051 , , B98 r106
'Texas Tea Sipper' , --- , --- , 1996
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , , B96 r032
'Texastar' , # 242 , Standford U.U. , 1967
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Inglewood' X 'Joe Hayden' , , B69 a285 ,
'The Black Knight' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' X carrieae X 'Frilly Dilly' , , , t
'The President' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , --- --- , , ,
'Thelma , --- , Daniels G. , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , B78 a119 ,
'Thelma's Pet' , # 959 , Seibold H. , 1996
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , 'Yellow Sweety' X unknown Tuberhybrid , , B97 a032 ,
'Theresa Lynn' , # 247 , Kennedy H. Mrs. , 1967
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Pinafore' X unknown , , B69 a285 ,
'Theseus' , # 823 , Jeans K. , 1980
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Snow Queen' X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B81 a142 ,
'Thilda Fischer' , # 53 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1953
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Shadstar' X barkeri , , B53 a266 ,
'Thimbleberry' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , , B95 r168
'Thin Ice Cane' , --- , Thompson B. , 1994
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Enchanto #14' X 'Hanna Serr' , , , t
'Think Pink' , --- , Bolwell R. , ---
------------------------------ --- , 'Pink Surprise' X carrieae , B99 p168 , ,
'Thirkettle' , # 223 , Chaney AJ. , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , 'Pink Comet' sport --- , , B66 a236 ,
'This-N-That' , # 420 , Leatherman S. , 1974
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unnamed Rex cultivar X 'Reiga' , , B75 a011 , crc-p
'Thorns' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Dr. Jim' X 'Bokit x 'Bunchii' , , ,
'Thrush' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum (or cane?) , dregei X Rex cultivar , , , B85 r082
'Thurstonii' , --- , Thurston , 1887
------------------------------ Shrub-like , metallica X sanguinea , , B73 d130 , B98 r091
'Tiapan' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B99 r166
'Tickled Pink' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , B93 r115 ,
'Tiger Belle' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B91 r045
'Tiger Kitten' , # 581 , Woodriff , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , B77 a245 , B88 r191
'Tiger Paws' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Tiger Star' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Tilt-a-whirl' , # 769 , Worley P J , 1979
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Merry-Go-Round' sport --- , , B80 a254 ,
'Tim Lizzy' , # 727 , Cole B. , 1979
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Lee's No. 9' X hatacoa Silver' , , B79 a276 ,
'Tim O' Reilly' , # 770 , Frost G. , ---
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , olbia X malabarica var. malabarica , , B80 a254 ,
'Timbara' , # 547 , Meyer M. , 1976
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Kooleena' X bowerae , , B76 a338 ,
'Timplini' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub or Cane-like ? , --- --- , , , B71 r201
'Tin Lizzy' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Lee's No. 9' X hatacoa 'Silver' , , ,
'Tingley Mallet' (see 'Authur Mallet') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , incarnata var. purpurascens X 'Eldorado' (or 'Eldorado' X incarnata ? ) , B92 dp106 , B73 d130 , B99 r015
'Tinkelin' , # 364 , Meyer M. , 1973
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , parents unknown --- , , B74 a021 ,
'Tintype' , # 678 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , rex X 'Old Witch' , , B78 a319 ,
'Tiny Bright' , # 757 , Woodriff L. , 1979
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , chance seedling --- , , B80 a140 ,
'Tiny Bubbles' , --- , Thompson B. , 1996
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lana' X 'Proud Mary' , , , t
'Tiny Gem' , # 706 , Woodriff L. , 1978
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Tiny Orange Rubra' X solananthera , , B79 a019 , B92 r174
'Tiny Mite' , # 21 , Olmsted T. , 1952
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , chance seedling --- , , B54 a130 ,
'Tiny Orange Rubra' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Tiny Tangerines' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , albo-picta X 'Orange Rubra' , , , t
'Tippy Two' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B94 r007
'Tired Tiger' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Titan' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , Changeant seedling X Colorvision seedling , , ,
'Toe' (Cookole grex) , # 789 , Cole B. , 1979
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , 'Evening Nymph' X schmidtiana , , B80 a280 ,
'Tokyo Bell' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Enchanto #14' X 'Hanna Serr' , , , t
'Tollhouse' , --- , Thompson B. , 1994
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' X carrieae X 'Star Search' , , , t
'Tom Hawkins' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lenore Olivier' X albo-picta , , , t
'Tom Ment' , # 350 , Mentelos T. , 1973
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Di-Erna' X 'Orange Rubra' , , B73 a201 , B95 r029
'Tom Ment II' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , ,
'Tom Mentor II' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , , B74 r056
'Tom Tom' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B00 p218 , ,
'Tomewin' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B02 r013
'Tomoka' , --- , Michelson FO. , 1970
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , convolvulacea X peruviana , , B88 d154 ,
'Tomol' , # 603 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'MacIntyer's "daedalea" ' X aridicaulis , , B77 a306 ,
'Tom's Fantasy' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , lubbersii X dichroa , , B93 r048 , B95 r029
'Tondelayo' , # 479 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cumbre' selfed --- , , B76 a024 , B87 r118
'Tonto' , # 879 , Cole B. , 1984
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Persian Brocade' X 'Dainty Lady' , , B85 a064 ,
'Tor Two' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, semi. , dregei seedling --- , , ,
'Torch' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , B93 r048 , B95 r050
'Tornado' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Torrance' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Alice N.' X 'Dumbo' , , , t
'Torsa' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous , grandis ssp. evansiana X bhotanesis hort. (or 'Bhutan species' ?) , B97 p240 , B97 d203 , BL01 12ap05
'Tortise' , # 469 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Rouge' selfed --- , , B75 a256 ,
'Tortoise' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Rogue' X 'Rogue' , , ,
'Toto Hayden' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Deichenheimii' X mazae , , ,
'Tove' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Cheimantha , --- --- , , ,
'Toy Soldier' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' seedling --- , , ,
'Toy Tiger' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B97 r149
'Tracery' , # 278 , MacIntyre ML. , 1970
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Norah Bedson' X 'Clifton' , , B71 a106 , crc-p
'Treasure Island' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lenore Olivier' X albo-picta , , , t
'Tribute' , --- , Bolwell R. , ---
------------------------------ --- , 'Orpha C. Fox' X 'Lenore Olivier' , , , B99 r168
'Trickster' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' X carrieae X 'Star Search' , , , t
'Tricolor' (see masoniana 'Tricolor') , --- , Kartuz M. , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , masoniana seedling --- , , B88 d134 , B78 r182
'Trisha' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Troll' , # 485 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Ricinifolia' X carrieae , , B76 a051 ,
'Tropic Fire' , --- , Kartuz M. , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , , B89 r046
'Tsuname' , --- , Kartuz M. , 1978
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , hatacoa 'Silver' X deliciosa , , , B99 r113
'Tuesday' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Waltanna' X paulensis , , ,
'Tumuch' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Norah Bedson' X 'Sunderbruchii' , , ,
'Tupneck' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Chumash' X 'Chumash' , , ,
'Tuptup' , # 605 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'MacIntyer's "daedalea" ' X aridicaulis , , B77 a306 ,
'Turk Murphy' , # 850 , Johnson M. , 1982
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , hispidivillosa forma nigramarga X heracleifolia var. nigricans seedling , , B82 a158 ,
'Turnpike' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Tu-Tu' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , B99 p166 , ,
'Tweed' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Twisty Spot' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Bronze King' X Comtesse Louise Erdody' , , , crc-p
'Two Face' , # 758 , Woodriff L. , 1979
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , incarnata hybrid X unknown - (maybe pustulata 'Silver') , , B80 a140 , BL00 d10
Copyright 2012 Astros Branch, American Begonia Society
Original website by Bill Claybaugh, redesign by Malcolm McCorquodale 2012