Alphabetical listing of Begonia cultivars - H
B. 'Nokomis'
Data in this table is in the following order:
Cultivar name; ABS registration number; Hybridizer; Date of registration or hybridization.
---------------Horticultural type; Female parent X Male parent; references (see Reference page for code):
'H via P.L.' (see 'Edie's Favorite' ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , crc-p
'H. Frankling' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Hal Nuss' , --- , Nuss I. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Elizabeth Lockhard' X sceptrum seedling , , , t
'Haley's Comet' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B98 r167
'Haley's Comet' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B98 r167
'Hallelujah' , --- , Mounger KJ. , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B99 r113
'Hanna’s Child' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Enchanto #14' X 'Hanna Serr' , , , t
'Hannah Serr' ('Hanna Serr' is incorrect) , # 265 , Nuss I. , 1969
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Kentwood' X 'Lenore Olivier' , B92 d209 , B70 a252 , BL00 08d09
'Hansel' , # 131 , Frey E. , 1956
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , incarnata X 'Moss Agate' , , B58 a015 ,
'Happiness Is' , # 425 , Leatherman S. , 1974
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unnamed Rex cultivar X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B75 a065 ,
'Happy Harold' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Happy New Year' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B01 r208
'Harbison Canyon' , # 859 , Maley P. , 1982
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Apache' X 'Yanonali' , , B84 a054 , B95 r129
'Harbor Lights' , --- , Anderson T. , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , B00 p194 , B85 ap081 ,
'Hari Kari' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Jumbo Jet' X 'Laura Englebert’ , , , t
'Hari-Kari' , # 171 , Sorenson G. Mrs. , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unknown X unknown , , B63 a116 ,
'Harlequin' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Harmony' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , --- --- , , ,
'Harmony' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Harry Zip' , # 602 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Tracery' X 'Zip' , , B77 a306 ,
'Harvey' , --- , Frey E. , 1950
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , manicata 'Aureo-maculata Crispa' X mazae forma nigricans , , ,
'Hastor' , , Worley P.
------------------------------ --- , brooksii hort. (may be plebja) X incarnata B01 pd041
'Hattie Worden' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , sanguinea seedling --- , , ,
'Hawaii' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , B85 r126
'Hawaiian Fifty' , # 730 , (Hewitt C.) Cole B. , 1979
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Hawaiian Sunset' X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B80 a020 ,
'Hawaiian Freakout' , # 729 , (Hewitt C.) Cole B. , 1979
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Hawaiian Sunset' X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B79 a276 ,
'Hawaiian Punch' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , --- --- , , ,
'Hawaiian Sunset' , --- , --- , 1981
------------------------------ Cane-like , dichroa is one of the parents --- , , B85 a081 , B97 r227
'Hazel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Hazel Harmon' , --- , Blanton M. , 1977
------------------------------ Thick-stemmed , wollnyi X malabarica var. malabarica , , ,
'Hazel Snodgrass' , # 269 , Daniels G. , 1970
------------------------------ Shrub-like , Brazil species No. 4 X paulensis , , B70 a252 ,
'Hazel's Front Porch' ( syn. 'Rose') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , see Begonian '56 --- , , , B96 r186
'Hearthrob' , --- , Thompson B. , 1996
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lana' X 'Lady Mary' , , , t
'Heart's Delight' , --- , Asmussen , 1984
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Kenlo X unknown , , ,
'Heartthrob' , # 802 , Worley P J , 1980
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , dipetala X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B81 a018 ,
'Heather' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Heather Ann' , # 468 , Frost G. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Black Knight' X bowerae var. nigramarga , , B75 a220 , B83 r123
'Heckle & Jeckyl' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
'Hee Haw' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' X carrieae X 'Star Search' , , , t
'Heirloom' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous, Hiemalis , --- --- , , ,
'Helcha' , # 179 , Sibiskie A. Mrs. , 1961
------------------------------ --- , 'Templini' X 'Bow-Nigra' , , B63 a116 ,
'Helen' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , , B71 r201
'Helen Blais' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Reiga' X 'Curly Stardust' , , ,
'Helen Grice' , # 445 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , heracleifolia hirsute (A.245) (?) X roseibractea , , B75 a116 ,
'Helen Harms' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , ,
'Helen Krauss' , # 37 , Schwerdtfeger L. , 1953
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , hidalgensis X mazae , , B53 a266 ,
'Helen Lewis' , --- , Lewis H. , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , B78 pd235 , B74 a225 , B71 r201
'Helen Michelson' , # 762 , Michelson F. , 1979
------------------------------ Shrub-like , listada X unknown , , B80 a227 , B92 r100
'Helen Nicholson' , # 184 , West MI. , 1961
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , lubbersii X dichroa , , B63 a116 , B85 r079
'Helen Shortt' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Helen Teupel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , , B71 r201
'Helen W. King' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lucerna' seedling --- , , ,
'Helena' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Lucerna' seedling --- , B87 p155 , , B71 r201
'Helene Jaros' , # 449 , Lowe PP. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Chumash' X 'Bow Joe' , , B75 a116 , B02 r052
'Helo' , # 618 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'MacIntyer's "daedalea" ' X aridicaulis , , B78 a083 ,
'Her Majesty' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Her Majesty Sylvia Letterman' , --- , Leatherman S. , ---
------------------------------ --- , 'Pam Sue' X 'Midnight Cowboy' , B78 p172 , B78 ap172 , crc-p
'Heracleicotlye' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , heracleifolia X hydrocotylifolia , , ,
'Herah' , # 884 , Sharrad MCR. , 1985
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unnamed seedling X 'Beatrice Hadarell' , , B85 a113 ,
'Herb Warrick' , # 494 , Dunnell RC. , 1975
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , Seed: Colour-vision series from Park Seed Company --- , , B76 a051 ,
'Herbert Kennison' , # 667 , Lund S. , 1978
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Agnes Kennison' mutation --- , , B78 a289 ,
'Hercules' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous,Tuberhybrid , --- --- , , , B85 r126
'Hermam Lons' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Hermann Teupel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Herselph' , # 821 , Jeans K. , 1980
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cowboy Jeans' X unnamed seedling , , B81 a142 ,
'Herzog von Sagan' , --- , Teupel , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , B78 p171 , , B73 r226
'Hiemalis' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , B83 d014 ,
'Hiemalis' , --- , Fotsch K. , 1933
------------------------------ Tuberous , hybrid of socotrana and tuberous begonias --- , , B83 a152 ,
'Hiemalis-like' , --- , Thompson ML. , 1981
------------------------------ Tuberous , hybrid of socotrana,or derivatives, and rhizomatous begonias --- , , B83 a152 ,
'Hi-Fi Brillantrosa' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , , , B90 r032
'High Jeans' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , ,
'High Sierra' , --- , Bishop C. , ---
------------------------------ --- , echinosepala X reniformis , B93 pd147 , ,
'Hikoboshi' , --- , Shigemi H. , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , B93 r179 ,
'Hikoichi Arakawa' , # 349 , Daniels G. , 1973
------------------------------ Shrub-like , 'Metosa' X paulensis , , B73 a201 ,
'Himko' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Stiched Lear' X 'Joe Hayden' , , , B91 r046
'Hippie' , # 258 , Leatherman SB. , 1969
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , Rex cultivar X Rex cultorum , , B70 a016 ,
'Hippy Gone Straight' , # 550 , Plant Shop's Bo. Gns. , 1976
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Hippy' mutation --- , , B77 a079 ,
'Hippy' mutation , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , crc-p
'Hiro' , # 434 , Shigemi H. , 1975
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , manicata 'Aureo-maculata Crispa' X liebmannii (or ludicra ?) , , B75 a094 ,
'His Majesty' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , bowringiana hort. X rex , , ,
'His Majesty Buck Leatherman' , --- , Leatherman S. , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Withce's Brew' X 'Big Red' , , B78 a172 ,
'Hitomi' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'China Doll' X 'Strawberry Parfait' , , ,
'Ho Down' , # 655 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Ho Hum' X unnamed Rex cultorum , , B78 a246 ,
'Ho Hum' , # 424 , Leatherman S. , 1974
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unnamed Rex cultivar X unnamed Rex cultorum , B90 p203 , B75 a065 , crc-p
'Hobbit' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Jumbo Jet' X 'Dumbo' , , , t
'Hockey' , # 874 , Cole B. , 1984
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , # 4047 X 'Serenade' , , B85 a015 ,
'Hokutoshichisei' , # 953 , Imamura H. , 1996
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Laura Englebert' X unknown , B96 p052 , B96 a054 ,
'Holey Jeans' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , unknown X unknown , , ,
'Holley Moon' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Blues' , , Holley F. ~2000
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Holley's Blush' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Charm' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Dark Night' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Dark Planet' , , Holley F. ~2000
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Holley's Green Giant' , , Holley F. ~2000
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Holley's Heron' , , Holley F. ~2000
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Holley's Hope' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Mist' , , Holley f. ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- ,
'Holley's Quilt' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Rage' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Reward' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holley's Rhyme' , --- , Holley F. , ~2000
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Holly Cubensis' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Holmes Chapel' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B86 r040
'Homossasa' , --- , Michelson FO. , 1976
------------------------------ Shrub-like , ulmifolia X bartonea hort. , B99 p144 , B88 a154 ,
'Honey' , # 541 , Frost G. , 1976
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Black Knight' X 'Chantilly Lace' , , B76 a338 ,
'Honey Bear' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Honey Bug' , # 80 , Leatherman S. , 1954
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Grace' X 'J.D. Rockefeller' , , B54 a208 ,
'Honey Child' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Honeymoon' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous , --- --- , B91 p013 , ,
'Honeysuckle' , --- , Logee , 2000
------------------------------ Cane-like , dichroa seedling --- , , B89 d126 , B96 r111
'Hooligan' , # 675 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Ho Hum' X 'Big Boy' , , B78 a319 ,
'Hopi Star' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B96 r218
'Hopscotch' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerea seedling --- , , , B74 r033
'Horace Dillard' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , paulensis X unknown , , ,
'Hot Diggity' , # 780 , Cole B. , 1979
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'This 'N That' X 'Big Boy' , , B82 a086 ,
'Hot Peaches' , --- , Thompson B. , 1992
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Black Gold' X 'Yubae' , , , t
'Hot Shot' , --- , Bernett F. , ---
------------------------------ Cane-like , from B. 'Rubrick' --- , B98 p048 , ,
'Hot Stuff' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , suffruticosa X 'Reflections' , , ,
'Hot Tamale' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B97 p129 , , B95 r064
'Hotel Colon' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , ,
'Houston' , # 155 , Ziesenhenne R. , 1956
------------------------------ Shrub-like , incarnata sandersii (?) X '42 S' seedling with red flowers , , B59 a251 ,
'Houston Fiesta' , , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- ,
'Howzat' , # 628 , Yorke B. , 1977
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , bowerae var. nigramarga X 'Stash' , , B78 a109 ,
'Huddle' , # 643 , Cole B. , 1978
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Big Rex' X 'Sir Roy Yewell , , B78 a188 ,
'Huddle' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , 'Big Red' X 'Sir Roy Yewell' , , ,
'Hugo' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , hugelii seeedling --- , , ,
'Hugolette' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , hugelii seeedling --- , , ,
'Hula Skirt' , # 841 , Woodriff L. , 1982
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , unnamed Rex cultivar X hemsleyana , , B82 a086 , B87 r153
'Humerous' , --- , Thompson B. , 1995
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Bokit' X carrieae X 'Star Search' , , , t
'Humperdink' , --- , Thompson B. , 1990
------------------------------ Cane-like , 'Silvermist' X 'Laura Englebert' , , , t
'Huntington Lake' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Huopo' , # 531 , Lee PP. , 1976
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Chumash' X 'Chumash' , , B76 a251 , B01 r059
'Husband's Favorite' , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rex cultorum , --- --- , , ,
'Hutspa' , # 565 , Lewis G. , 1976
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , conchifolia var. rubrimacula X 'Dainty Lady' , , B77 a128 ,
'Hyroglyphics' , # 981 , Thompson B. , 1991
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , 'Cleopatra' X 'Bokit' x carrieae , B99 p225 , B01 ap034 , t
Copyright 2012 Astros Branch, American Begonia Society
Original website by Bill Claybaugh, redesign by Malcolm McCorquodale 2012