Alphabetical listing of Begonia cultivars - Common
B. 'Funny Farms'
Data in this table is in the following order:
Cultivar name; ABS registration number; Hybridizer; Date of registration or hybridization.
---------------Horticultural type; Female parent X Male parent; references (see Reference page for code):
Bearded begonia (see hirtella ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
Beefsteak begonia ( see 'Erythrophylla' ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , B78 d270 ,
Brazilian Heart begonia (see solananthera ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , B85 d018 ,
Chameleon Begonia (is it U059 or U093) , --- , --- , 1989
------------------------------ Cane-like , --- --- , , ,
Crazy Leaf begonia ( see 'Phyllomaniaca' ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Thick-stem , --- --- , , B78 d316 ,
Crow Foot begonia (see heracleifolia ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B86 d013
Cucumber begonia (see convolvulacea ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , ,
Elephant Ears , , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B01 p006
Hardy begonia ( see grandis ssp. evansiana) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous , --- --- , , ,
Holly Leaf begonia (see cubensis hort. ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , ,
Hollyhock begonia (see gracilis var. martiana ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Tuberous , --- --- , B97 pd133 , B74 d087 ,
Indian-spotted begonia ( see deliciosa ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , B74 d123 ,
Iron Cross begonia ( see masoniana ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B85 pd058 , Bb92 d034 ,
Ivy-leaf begonia (see kenworthae ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
Leaf Crazy begonia ( see 'Phyllomaniaca' ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Thick-stem , --- --- , , B90 d206 ,
Maple Leaved begonia (numerous semi-tuberous begonias, see reference) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , B74 pa062 , B78 a006 ,
Nasturtium leaf begonia (see goegoensis ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
Peacock begonia ( see pavonina ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Semperflorens , --- --- , B92 d225 , ,
Peanut Brittle begonia (see domingensis) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , , B74 d060
Pennywort begonia (see rotundifolia and hydrocotylifolia) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Rhizomatous , --- --- , , , B74 d086
Pond Lily begonia (see nelumbiifolia and 'Erythrophylla') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , , B86 d013
Shrimp begonia (see radicans) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Trailing/Scandent , --- --- , , ,
Succulent begonia ( see peltata ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
Trout Leaf begonia ( see 'Argenteo-Guttata' or 'Medora') , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ Shrub-like , --- --- , , B78 d269 , B88 r124
Water Lotus-leaved begonia ( see nelumbifolia ) , --- , --- , ---
------------------------------ --- , --- --- , , ,
Copyright 2012 Astros Branch, American Begonia Society
Original website by Bill Claybaugh, redesign by Malcolm McCorquodale 2012