Astros Branch - American Begonia Society

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Main Key
Subkey 2-3
Subkey 4
Subkey 5
Subkey 6
Subkey 7-12
Subkey 14
Subkey 15-21
Subkey 22-24
Subkey 25
Subkey 26
Subkey 27-28
Subkey 29-30
Subkey 31-32
Subkey 33-34

Pictorial Key to Selected Begonia species
Subkey 25 - American N-Z, Asian and African

2-2. Blades basifixed.
    4-2. Blades shallowly lobed to entire (entire, subentire, or lobed).
       7-2. Blades oblique or transverse with the midnerve making a distinct angle with the petiole.
             22-2. Leaves separated by distinct internodes
                25-1. Stems repent or pendent
                   26-1. Staminate tepals 2


  • Click any picture to see an enlarged view.
  • Click "back" to return to this page.
  • Listings of each species in the Begoniaceae Keys, Editions 1 and 2, are shown in [brackets].
    See notes at the bottom of the main key for an explanation of this notation.

25;1-1. American species alphabetically listed, A to M
25;1-2. American species alphabetically listed, N to Z, Asian,and African species


B. pinetorum

Plant and Pictures of Ronit Band, July 2007.


[22;6-1 ]
Photos of P. McMillian


B. plebeja

[22;15-1* / 22;20-2* / 22;28-1* / 22;30-2* / 25-37-2 / ]


B. plebeja (left) and u434 (right)


B. pustulata

[22;50-1 / 32;66-1]


B. sericoneura

[22;66-1 / 24;58-1 / 24;110 / 25;60-2 / 32;21-2 ]


B. sericoneura (formerly called B. hypolipara)



B. sericoneura (sometimes called B. pilifera)

[ --- ]


B. sericoneura

Photo of P. McMillian


B. soli-mutata

[9;5-1a ]


B. sousae


Photos of P. McMillian


B. stigmosa

[22;49-1* / 22;54-1 ]
Photos of P. McMillian


B. strigillosa

[22;42-1 / 22;58-2 / 25;45-1 ]


peponifolia (is barkeri) [ --- ]
sousae [ 25;56-1a ]
tenuipila (is plebeja) [ --- ]
tenuipila var. kennedyi (is plebeja) [ --- ]
violifolia [ 25;22-1 25;48-1 ]


Species found but not pictured.

ampla [ 25;5-1 25;23-1 28;8-1 28;27-1 28;87-1 ]



B. versicolor

[25;57-1 ]
25;1-1. American species alphabetically listed, A to M
25;1-2. American species alphabetically listed, N to Z, Asian,and African species